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Men's Ministry
The Men’s Ministry at BBC is focused on discipleship, accountability, and leadership development. We believe the study of the Word of God is paramount in each of these endeavors. Proverbs 27:17 says that “as iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friends.” We seek to accomplish this through both regular fellowships such as monthly breakfast, a yearly book study, and online accountability apps and tools. We also encourage our men to attend an annual retreat to spiritually reset and to form deeper relationships among brothers in Christ. We seek regular connection and interaction through quarterly outings and work projects around the church property and the surrounding community that create camaraderie and fellowship.
Leadership development is important to us at BBC. We believe that our identity as men is formed by the truths of the Word of God and the personhood of Jesus Christ. We believe men have an important role given by God to be spiritual equippers in our homes, our church body, and in the community at large. This being the case, the study and application of Scripture are both fundamental parts of everything we endeavor to do.

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